Not really that good. Try harder
1. The jokes weren't really funny. They were funny in Family Guy, but not here. Sorry.
2. The animation wasn't really good either. You should speed up the hand movement, because the slowness of it is pretty boring. Also, learn how to use fbf in your movie too. All tweening isn't good, except when done right.
3. I appreciate how much time you put into the detail of the MT characters, but everything else looked pretty bad. Try using shading instead of gradients. It looks more professional.
4. Take more time on it. Two of the character's mouth animation involved tweening the mask up and down, and the rest involved doing that with a really simple mouth. Not a good movie makes. Plus, if you really want to impress us, at least show them actually walking.
5. All that combined doesn't really mix well when the movie is too long. I found myself bored enough to close the screen many times, but I didn't because I wanted to see it through.
Overally, spend much more time on flash movies, DiceP. Read tutorials, practice drawing, get better jokes, improve your animation- tweening and otherwise- and, IMO, use the paintbrush tool for your backrounds. And, if you want, contact me at the Legendary Frog forum. I'm a flash animator as well and have made my own tutorial. I'll be happy to help. :)